Currently, holders of Afghan passports can enter six nations without a visa. In addition to these six nations, Afghan nationals are welcomed in their passports by 18 additional nations. Afghan passport holders can now travel visa-free to 24 nations around the world, including Bangladesh, the Dominican Republic, Madagascar, and the Seychelles islands in the Indian Ocean.
These six nations are mostly small islands in the Caribbean Sea or the Pacific, at least four of them are volcanic islands, one of them is a whale migration hub for a few months each year, and only one has a relatively typical natural environment. Additionally, it experiences poverty and a lack of development.
Afghanistan’s passport is the 113th most invalid passport in the world according to the 2022 world passport validity index. Afghan nationals are limited to six destinations with this account: the Dominican Republic, the Cook Islands, Saint Vincent and the Grenadines Islands, the Niue Islands, the Republic of Haiti, and the Federated States of Micronesia; nations with less well-known names to Afghans. Only Haiti has more people than these small island nations, which typically have a population of 1,620 to 110,000. However, Afghan nationals are restricted from entering 205 other countries around the world without a prior visa.
Which nations allow Afghans to enter without a visa, and what are those characteristics?
A former British colony in the Caribbean Sea, the Republic of Dominica is an island with a land area of 750 square kilometers and a population of about 73,000. Afghan nationals are permitted entry without a visa into the nation. The majority of this nation, which is also its most significant portion, is made up of volcanic mountains, and its weather is hot and rainy.
Known as the “complex and rugged mountain house,” the Cook Islands is another tiny nation in the South Pacific Ocean with a population of 17,000 people. This country has complex, rocky mountains covering the majority of its surface, but they are not volcanic.
A total of 18 other countries also issue visas for Afghan passport holders upon entering the country, in addition to the six that do not require them. In the sense that traveling to these nations is not particularly difficult for Afghan nationals. These nations include a number of others as well as Madagascar, Bangladesh, the Dominican Republic, and Madagascar.
At the same time, Afghan nationals are finding it harder and harder to meet the requirements for visas to the developed nations that the majority of them are currently trying to enter. For instance, in the past, Afghan citizens living in Europe could invite a close relative to visit for a brief period of time and bring them to Europe for at least one to three months, but at the moment, the Schengen nations do not permit The Afghan passport receives no response from the tourist invitation.
Since the Taliban seized power in Afghanistan and its economic, security, and cultural structures fell apart, the situation has gotten worse. Currently, it is evident that the majority of Afghans have lost their jobs and lack the necessary documentation to demonstrate that they lead stable lives there and will return when their visas expire.