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Top Health Benefits of Ginger


What is Ginger?

Ginger is a kind of spice from the roots of Zingiber officinale plants. Commonly used in cooking in many Asian cuisines, herbal and herbal medicine, zenil is from the curcumin branch. This method is generally useful for treating intestinal and stomach problems and is great for people on a lectin-free diet, as is ginger. It may be used as a pain reliever and as a treatment for poor health.

Ingredients in ginger

The active compounds in ginger are gingerol, shogaol, paradol, zingerone, zerumbone, -dehydro, terpenoids and flavonoids, all of these compounds have antioxidant activities, while some of them have anti-tumor, anti-inflammatory, anti- Germs are pain relievers and protective activities of the liver.

Ginger, effective in treating pain

Ginger effectively reduces mental pain, 2 grams of ginger may reduce moderate muscle pain from endurance exercise and long running, especially if it lasts for at least 5 days, ginger is as effective as diclofenac NSAID) is effective for pain management regardless of gastrointestinal discomfort

Ginger helps with asthma and allergies

Zerumbone, an active ingredient in ginger, increases the Th1 response and contributes to the Th2 sensitization response to egg white protein (albumin) in mice. Ginger helps asthma by neutralizing the Th2 immune response in mice.

Ginger reduces respiratory muscle contraction by reducing acetylcholine

Ginger helps to treat vomiting and nausea

Ginger prevents excessive activity of nerves and prevents the functioning of serotonin in the digestive tract, causing nausea and vomiting, and ginger is an effective non-medicinal pain reliever for morning sickness during pregnancy. Ginger helps with nausea and vomiting caused by the side effects of chemotherapy.

Ginger helps to deal with stress

Ginger contains many powerful antioxidants, 6-chagol activates Nrf2 thereby protecting against oxidative stress, and ginger is also an effective antioxidant as part of anti-tuberculosis treatment.

Ginger has an anti-cancer effect

Several active compounds in ginger are very potent against cancer symptoms, and ginger can stimulate the death of cancer cells through apoptosis, ginger terpenoids can be induced in endometrial cancer cells through the activation of apoptosis.

Zerumbone, a component in ginger, can induce apoptosis of pancreatic cancer cells through the p53 signaling pathway.

  • Ginger can sensitize cancer cells to radiation.
  • Ginger can prevent cancer cell growth.
  • Ginger can prevent the growth of liver (hepatoma) and bone (osteosarcoma) cancer cells.
  • Ginger stops new blood vessels that allow cancer cells to grow.
  • “Ginger prevents the transfer of cancer cells”
  • Ginger prevents metastasis (cell migration) of breast cancer cells.

Ginger improves cholesterol and triglycerides

Ginger improves blood CRP, blood sugar and cholesterol markers, triglycerides in humans, and ginger can reduce blood pressure by changing the nervous system by stimulating muscarinic receptors and blocking calcium channels.

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