The Social Adaptation Assistance Supplemental Project (T-SUY) is what it sounds like?
The Social Adaptation Supplemental Assistance Project (T-SUY) is a cash-based assistance program created to help the “most vulnerable” group of foreign nationals who are shut out of the labor market. Its goal is to raise their living standards. After Kizilay Card has evaluated the need, assistance will be provided.
The T-SUY program is helpful to me. Can I get the Social Adaptation Supplemental Aid (T-SUY) as well?
You are currently ineligible to use the voice program and the supplementary social adaptation assistance project (T-SUY). According to the family structure criteria, the system will classify applicants who require financial aid as T-SUY beneficiaries for the Supplemental Assistance for Social Adaptation Project or SUY beneficiaries for the Sui Program.
How is the T-SUY Project for Social Adaptation Assistance funded?
EU funding is provided for the T-SUY Supplementary Social Adaptation Assistance Project. Programs for the Kizlay Card carry out this project.
The Social Adaptation Assistance Supplemental Project (T-SUY) is intended for whom?
People who are currently receiving benefits from the SOI program and have the vulnerability conditions listed in the Supplemental Social Adaptation Aid Project (T-SUY) as well as those who are covered by temporary protection, covered by international protection, applicants for international protection, or who have humanitarian residence and their Kimlik number begins with 99 are all eligible to use these services.
What is the size of the T-SUY project’s monthly deposit and how is it made for the beneficiaries?
Each month, 350 Turkish Liras are given to families who satisfy the requirements of the Supplementary Social Adaptation Assistance Project (T-SUY). For those who have previously benefited from the Soi program, these contributions will be deposited onto their current cards. A new card will be issued to individuals who have not previously benefited from the program’s assistance if they meet the requirements of the project. Kizlay cards can be used to make ATM cash withdrawals and POS (point of sale) purchases.
What is the expected duration of the Social Adaptation Assistance Supplement Project (T-SUY)?
The beneficiaries will continue to receive cash assistance as long as the project’s financing is maintained and they satisfy its requirements. Beneficiaries will receive necessary information prior to the project’s conclusion.
I have a complaint or some feedback about the T-SUY Supplemental Assistance Project. What should I do?
You can dial the Turkish Red Crescent Call Center’s toll-free number 168 to file any kind of complaint. We’ll make an effort to solve the problem over the phone. You will be notified over the phone as soon as possible of the complaint if we are unable to come to an amicable agreement. You can file a complaint by clicking here or by going to our Facebook page at
How do I submit an application for the T-SUY Supplemental Social Adaptation Assistance Project?
The Social Adaptation Assistance Supplemental Project (T-SUY) uses the same application process as the Voice Program. Families must visit the Turkish Red Crescent service centers or the Solidarity and Social Assistance Foundation and register for the program in order to take advantage of the T-SUY (T-SUY) project.
In the context of the T-SUY (T-SUY) and SOI program, the system will automatically decide which program the families will receive assistance from during the preparation of the payment list. To be registered in the system for both types of assistance, simply register for the voice program. The following steps must be taken in order to register for the program.
Your entire family must have identity numbers that begin with 99 and be registered with the General Directorate of Immigration. Additionally, every member of the family needs to register with a family number.
The family and each family member must be registered with the local population office.
Family members who are more than 40% disabled must obtain a disability certificate from Turkey’s state-licensed hospitals.
Each family member’s information must be filled out separately, and anyone older than 18 must sign the form.
The Red Crescent Service Center or the Solidarity and Social Assistance Foundation (SYDV) in your place of residence is where you must deliver the completed application forms, the family members’ kimliks obtained from the General Directorate of Immigration, and, if applicable, a disability certificate for any disabled family members. Register your request by entering.
How do I obtain the request form?
There is no application form available for registration in the T-SUY supplemental project of social adjustment assistance. The same application that families submitted for the Soy program is sufficient for the Social Adaptation Supplemental Assistance Project (T-SUY). The system transfers families applying for the Soy program who meet the requirements of the Supplemental Social Adaptation Assistance Project (T-SUY) to that program. At Turkish Red Crescent Service Centers and Solidarity and Social Aid Foundations, request forms are available without cost (SYDV).
If you’re unsure of the location of the Turkish Red Crescent service center or social office closest to you, you can click here for the address or call the organization’s toll-free call center at 168.